Thursday, November 19, 2009

Confirmed itineray for rest of trip!

Hi all (especially mom!),
I just spent the past 2 hours or so booking flights, talking to fellow travelers sitting next to me, and finalizing the last 2 weeks of my trip. Flights within SE Asia are more expensive than everyone told me they were going to be - urgh - so I'm glad I'm booking them "ahead" of time! Oh well, I need to make the most of my time here, or else my main flight purchase wouldn't be worth it.

So here's what I'm up to:
- Sat morn (11/21) - flying to Hanoi. I don't really care too much about seeing Hanoi, as I anticipate it will be a lot like Saigon with plenty of motorbikes to run me over. So, I will likely take the night train the same day to Sapa, so that I arrive in Sapa early morning 11/22.

- 11/22 to 11/24 in Sapa - I will most likely do one of the semi long treks which include a homestay with a family. Most of the villages up in this area are Hmong.

- 11/25 - sleep/recover in Hanoi, maybe visit with Nicole's former roommate

- 11/26 (thanksgiving!) - fly to Vientiane, Laos

- 11/26-11/27 - hang out in Vientiane, hopefully meet Vikham's family :)

- 11/28 - 11/29 - Bus to Luang Prabang and hang out

- 11/30 - 12/1 - Hopefully a home stay with one of the indiginous families outside Luang Prabang

- 12/2 (I turn 30!) - Fly from LP to Bangkok, buy lots of souvenirs, and party like a rock star

- 12/3 - Meet with OPE staff and pack

-12/4 - fly out at 6:35 am

Yay! My poor credit card...I just booked 3 flights!

So today was nice...after a tour of My Son (ruins) I literally ate my way through Hoi An. Yum! Besides Vietnamese food, there's the French influence so I had a yummy banana pancake and some other fried goodies. Then I picked up my 2 skirts and bought 2 more dresses - I couldn't resist! So cheap! Then I got a pedicure and a massage and now I'm off to the local drinking hole. Life's pretty tough, eh? Peace!


  1. Hi L,
    Sounds like you're enjoying Hoi An!!
    T C,

  2. Laura,

    Big news from the states- Oprah's last season will be next year. I know how much you love her show. Her explanation brought tears to my eyes, too!

    Sue :)
