Friday, November 6, 2009

Made it here!

Hi all!
I'm here! I got in to Bangkok last "night" (afternoon in EST) around midnight, arrived at my hostel around 1 am their time last night, and went to bed around 2 am. Wow, was it a long trip! We ended up having to stop in Chicago b/c one of our pilots got sick which added an hour or so to the trip so from the time I left my house until I got to the hostel was something like 28 hours. I didn't sleep much on the flights and they showed sucky movies. But I read, listened to my ipod, etc. It's 8 am here now. I'm surprised that I woke up, but my room's walls are floor to ceiling windows so I think the light woke me up. This hostel I picked is nice, but pretty least it seems that way. Granted it was the middle of the night when I arrived. Only one other girl here that I've seen - she's from Seattle. My mission right now is to find food and to go to the main Bangkok market. Then I'll probably just fly to Siem Reap in Cambodia today. I'm not feeling the need to explore Bangkok, at least not now. More later when I've got something exciting to report!


  1. Yippee, you made it ... now try to get some real sleep!! We are looking forward to reading about your travels! Love, Aunt Joyce and Uncle Jon

  2. I kept checking on your flights - I'm glad that you got some rest in Bangkok! Love, Mom and Dad
